Working Papers
[1] "Trade Costs and Inflation Dynamics" (with Pablo Cuba-Borda, Albert Queralto, and Mikäel Scaramucci) [February 2025, New draft!]
[2] "Globalization, Inflation Dynamics, and the Slope of the Phillips Curve" (with Colin Hottman) [February 2024]
[3] "Escaping the Losses from Trade: The Impact of Heterogeneity and Skill Acquisition” (with Axelle Ferriere and Gaston Navarro) [November 2023]
[4] "Globalization and Structural Change in the United States: A Quantitative Assessment" [Preliminary, March 2018]
[5] “The Role of Trade Costs in the Surge of Trade Imbalances” [November 2016, Job Market Paper version]
Reject and Resubmit at the American Economic Review
Work in Progress
[6] "International Trade and Gender Gaps in College Enrollment" (with Sarah Conlisk, Gaston Navarro and Maddie Penn
[7] “Globalization, Investment and the Welfare Gains from Trade” (with Sharon Traiberman and Eva Van Leemput)
[8] “Structural Transformation across Countries: Similar Paths, Different Experiences”
1. "Globalization, Trade Imbalances and Labor Market Adjustment" (with Rafael Dix-Carneiro, Joao P. Pessoa, and Sharon Traiberman)
The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 138, Issue 2, May 2023, Pages 1109–1171.
2. “Macroprudential Policy in the Presence of External Risks” (with Gabriel Tenorio)
Journal of International Economics, September 2020, 126, INEC 103365.
3. "Emerging Markets and the New Geography of Trade: The Effects of Rising Trade Barriers" (with Sharon Traiberman and Eva Van Leemput)
IMF Economic Review, September 2020, 68, 456–508.
4. "Regime-Switching in Emerging Market Business Cycles: Interest Rate Volatility and Sudden Stops" (with Gabriel Tenorio),
Journal of International Money and Finance, May 2019, 93, 81-100.
Policy Publications
5. "International Trade and Gender Gaps in College Enrollment" (with Sarah Conlisk, Gaston Navarro, and Maddie Penn) FEDS Notes. Washington: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, May 20, 2022.
6. "The Effect of U.S.-China Tariff Hikes: Differences in Demand Composition Matter" (with Charlotte Singer and Eva Van Leemput) FEDS Notes. Washington: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, March 4, 2021.
Older Publications
7. "Monotone Mechanisms When Types Are Multidimensional: The Linear Case” (in Spanish)
La Gaceta de Economía, 33, 2014.
8. "Pareto Optimal Partitions for a Particular Welfare Function" (with Carlos Bosch),
International Journal of Mathematical Analysis, Vol. 5, 2011, no. 48, 2395 – 2402.
9. "The Financial Crisis: Origins and Effects" (in Spanish)
La Gaceta de Economía, 26, 2009.
[1] "Trade Costs and Inflation Dynamics" (with Pablo Cuba-Borda, Albert Queralto, and Mikäel Scaramucci) [February 2025, New draft!]
[2] "Globalization, Inflation Dynamics, and the Slope of the Phillips Curve" (with Colin Hottman) [February 2024]
[3] "Escaping the Losses from Trade: The Impact of Heterogeneity and Skill Acquisition” (with Axelle Ferriere and Gaston Navarro) [November 2023]
[4] "Globalization and Structural Change in the United States: A Quantitative Assessment" [Preliminary, March 2018]
- Previously circulated under the title "Structural Change in an Open Economy: A Quantitative Exploration"
[5] “The Role of Trade Costs in the Surge of Trade Imbalances” [November 2016, Job Market Paper version]
Reject and Resubmit at the American Economic Review
Work in Progress
[6] "International Trade and Gender Gaps in College Enrollment" (with Sarah Conlisk, Gaston Navarro and Maddie Penn
[7] “Globalization, Investment and the Welfare Gains from Trade” (with Sharon Traiberman and Eva Van Leemput)
[8] “Structural Transformation across Countries: Similar Paths, Different Experiences”
1. "Globalization, Trade Imbalances and Labor Market Adjustment" (with Rafael Dix-Carneiro, Joao P. Pessoa, and Sharon Traiberman)
The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 138, Issue 2, May 2023, Pages 1109–1171.
- Latest working paper version
2. “Macroprudential Policy in the Presence of External Risks” (with Gabriel Tenorio)
Journal of International Economics, September 2020, 126, INEC 103365.
- Latest working paper version [online appendix] [codes]
- Previously circulated under the title "Managing Capital Flows in the Presence of External Risks" [IFDP 1213]
3. "Emerging Markets and the New Geography of Trade: The Effects of Rising Trade Barriers" (with Sharon Traiberman and Eva Van Leemput)
IMF Economic Review, September 2020, 68, 456–508.
- IFDP 1278 and latest working paper version
- RHTVL Sectoral Trade Flows, Tariffs and Production Data [Description] [Data]
4. "Regime-Switching in Emerging Market Business Cycles: Interest Rate Volatility and Sudden Stops" (with Gabriel Tenorio),
Journal of International Money and Finance, May 2019, 93, 81-100.
- Latest working paper version
- IFDP 1209 titled "Interest Rate Volatility and Sudden Stops: An Empirical Investigation"
Policy Publications
5. "International Trade and Gender Gaps in College Enrollment" (with Sarah Conlisk, Gaston Navarro, and Maddie Penn) FEDS Notes. Washington: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, May 20, 2022.
6. "The Effect of U.S.-China Tariff Hikes: Differences in Demand Composition Matter" (with Charlotte Singer and Eva Van Leemput) FEDS Notes. Washington: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, March 4, 2021.
Older Publications
7. "Monotone Mechanisms When Types Are Multidimensional: The Linear Case” (in Spanish)
La Gaceta de Economía, 33, 2014.
8. "Pareto Optimal Partitions for a Particular Welfare Function" (with Carlos Bosch),
International Journal of Mathematical Analysis, Vol. 5, 2011, no. 48, 2395 – 2402.
9. "The Financial Crisis: Origins and Effects" (in Spanish)
La Gaceta de Economía, 26, 2009.
- "The Margins of Trade" by Eaton and Fieler, Banxico-Dallas Fed-UofH Conference in International Economics, October 2021.
- "Trade, Human Capital, and Income Risk" by Deng, Krishna, Senses and Stegmaier, WAITS, DC, May 2022.
- "Rising Current Account Dispersion: Financial or Trade Integration?" by Alessandria, Bai and Woo, NBER IFM Fall Meeting, October 2021.
- "Financial Globalization, 1970-2015: Winners and Losers" by Capelle and Pellegrino, IMF Annual Macro-Financial Research Conference, September 2021.
- "Sufficient Statistics for Dynamic Spatial Models" by Kleinman, Liu and Redding, NBER ITI Meeting Summer Institute, July 2021.
- "Productivity and Trade Dynamics in Sussen Stops" by Benguria, Matusmoto and Saffie, CBC-IDB-JIE Conference, May 2021.
- "On the Distributional Effects of International Tariffs" by Carroll and Hur. International Trade Dynamics Workshop and VITM, June 2020.
- "Multinationals, Markets and Mark-Ups" by Yeaple. EIIT Conference, CU Boulder, 2019.
- "A Market-Based Term Structure of Expected Inflation" by Ramos-Francia, García-Verdú and Sánchez-Martínez. ITAM Alumni Conference, 2019.
- "Trade, Jobs, and Worker Welfare" by Artuç, Bastos and Lee. WAITS, DC, 2019.
- "Trade Policy is Real News: A Quantitative Analysis of Current and Future Changes in U.S. Trade Barriers" by Alessandria and Mix NBER IFM Fall Meeting, 2018.
- "Monetary Policy under Uncertain Economic State and Learning: A Bayesian DSGE Approach" by Ma, Xiahoan. EconCon Conference UPenn, 2015.